28 Things To Do Other Than Fall In Love:
- Watch the sunrise with a morning song, hot coffee and a great book.
- Listen to an entire album of a new artist. Do whatever their music makes you feel like.
- Clean the kitchen in its entirety.
- Gas up. Car wash. Favorite store run. Favorite food spot. That chill spot others don’t know about. Home.
- Update your bio. Remove “taking the ________ by storm” line.
- Visit an Art Gallery.
- Update your living will to include your art purchases.
- Skydiving or Surfing.
- Live in New York City. Any major city really.
- Rent scooters and tour the city.
- Have lunch on a busy sidewalk.
- Experience a live band.
- Beach. Go to the beach. BEACH!
- Start that super top secret project and release it a year later and watch an entire city go nuts.
- Renovate your space.
- Dinner Theatré for laughs.
- Pick up trash in your community.
- New stamps. (Passport Only)
- Learn to play an instrument.
- Visit a new strip club. Visit a church of a different denomination. Same week.
- Kiss a stranger under the Eiffel Tower.
- Stand next to a life-size piece of art.
- Cook for your parents.
- Land your art in movie theaters so your ex can see you.
- Date someone else.
- Go to sleep. Unplug. Delete your account.
- Paint a mural.
- Move on.