Me, Myself and I


Normal Ass Day

It’s better to love yourself.

The thought of being so consumed with someone else that you lose sight of who you are is just ridiculous. Your peace and mental health means more than whoever that person was supposed to be – after all, at least you aren’t a single parent.

It’s just another day, come celebrate that with us.

Not your thing? You’re right, love always wins.


28 Things To Do Other Than Fall In Love:

  1. Watch the sunrise with a morning song, hot coffee and a great book.
  2. Listen to an entire album of a new artist. Do whatever their music makes you feel like.
  3. Clean the kitchen in its entirety.
  4. Gas up. Car wash. Favorite store run. Favorite food spot. That chill spot others don’t know about. Home.
  5. Update your bio. Remove “taking the ________ by storm” line.
  6. Visit an Art Gallery.
  7. Update your living will to include your art purchases.
  8. Skydiving or Surfing.
  9. Live in New York City. Any major city really.
  10. Rent scooters and tour the city.
  11. Have lunch on a busy sidewalk.
  12. Experience a live band.
  13. Beach. Go to the beach. BEACH!
  14. Start that super top secret project and release it a year later and watch an entire city go nuts.
  15. Renovate your space.
  16. Dinner Theatré for laughs.
  17. Pick up trash in your community.
  18. New stamps. (Passport Only)
  19. Learn to play an instrument.
  20. Visit a new strip club. Visit a church of a different denomination. Same week.
  21. Kiss a stranger under the Eiffel Tower.
  22. Stand next to a life-size piece of art.
  23. Cook for your parents.
  24. Land your art in movie theaters so your ex can see you.
  25. Date someone else.
  26. Go to sleep. Unplug. Delete your account.
  27. Paint a mural.
  28. Move on. 

Additional information

Please Note

Satirical exhibits focusing on self-love. Keep your attitude at home.

How to Enjoy

Chill Grandma, life isn't over. We're simply here to offer a new perspective. Get dressed, come look at some art, meet some new people, learn something new and have a normal ass day.

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