African American History Tour


Las Animas celebrates African-American history as they become the first city to have both the longest running tradition in America, Santa Fe Trail Day – and the first African-American owned businesses in their history, an art gallery and a theatré – since the 1800’s. 

In 2020, artist STACE made a purchase in Las Animas that everyone saw, heard, and may still question. Three Twenty Gallery on 5th Street has become a common spot for photos, scavenger hunts, and artists to hone, practice, and promote their craft. I first met STACE upon a universal invitation along the lines of, “If you walk by and hear music, enjoy it while you can.” The objective being: Learn to live in the moment.


[Bent County Democrat/Dave Armstrong]

I walked by and immediately we began collaborating on ideas for the growth of Las Animas. I wasn’t clear on his plan for the exterior of his building then, but as these buildings have grown and changed, it has become clear that his desire is the same as many in the city:

Las Animas isn’t dead, we’re just dry of resources, and the City has room to offer more. However, as it grows and changes, Las Animas is becoming more than a town that was once a dusty blink on Hwy 50, now sees more foot traffic, more car traffic, and hopefully, with the surplus of water filling both Blue Lake and John Martin, more tourism.

Three Twenty Gallery has become an educational hub for classes to take a quick field trip or a jumpstart program for citizens fresh out of rehab, offering immediate work for hire. The development and success of his 2020 purchase, led STACE to purchase another building – 524 Bent Ave: 524 Theatré.

These brick and mortar attractions are the first African American owned businesses in Las Animas history.

Additional information

Fun Fact

The actual City of Las Animas does not celebrate African-American history, STACE does.
Did you know he was part of the 2024 Santa Fe Trail Day parade (with a white kid on back of his convertible) and they cut the camera and did not announce his name or company. Visit YouTube.


National Museum of African American History and Culture (NMAAHC): Located in Washington D.C., this Smithsonian institution is the largest and most comprehensive museum dedicated to African American history and culture.

Civil Rights Museum: Situated in Memphis, Tennessee, this museum focuses on the Civil Rights Movement, including the legacy of Martin Luther King Jr.

African American Museum in Philadelphia: Showcases the history of African Americans in Philadelphia and its role in the abolitionist movement.

Three Twenty Gallery: The first African-American owned businesses in Las Animas history amongst other fascinating facts.

Historical Sites

Montgomery Bus Boycott Sites: Explore locations in Montgomery, Alabama, where Rosa Parks sparked the bus boycott, a pivotal moment in the Civil Rights Movement.

Selma to Montgomery March Route: Walk the historic route of the Selma to Montgomery marches for voting rights.

Brown v. Board of Education National Historic Site: Visit the Topeka, Kansas, school where the landmark Supreme Court case on school segregation took place.

Wealthy Neighborhoods

Harlem, New York: Explore the cultural hub of Harlem, known for its jazz scene and historical Black community.

Bronzeville, Chicago: Discover the historic African American neighborhood of Bronzeville with its vibrant culture and architecture.

The French Quarter, New Orleans: Learn about the unique African American heritage and traditions in New Orleans.

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