Oct172023We hope our friends learned a lot and had fun! Special thanks to Kolleen Howe’s class. Keep exploring! Extra photos below. By Three Twenty GalleryOctober 17, 2023Leave a commentTags: ExhibitFive Twenty Four TheatreLas AnimasNewspaperThings Given And Things TakenThree Twenty Gallery Author: Three Twenty Gallery Post navigationPreviousPrevious post:Paper, Rock, Fish!NextNext post:STACE makes Southeast Colorado colorfulRelated PostsSpooky SeasonOctober 1, 2024New Exhibit: Maria ElanaMay 5, 2023Life Size ExhibitDecember 9, 2022Spectrum InteractiveNovember 15, 2022Infinity ExhibitNovember 9, 2022Number Huge PencilNovember 2, 2022